I'm getting the following error message while trying to save an autoresponder message: "Error Encountered! Please enter a valid email for the alternate destination or leave the field empty."

It most likely is because in the "alternate destination" field, your email address listed there has an extra space after the email address. Remove this extra white space and hit "save changes"


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    Paul Cochrell

    I'm having the same problem. Where do I find the alternate destination email so I can change it? I'm looking at the html code for my site now, do I look in 1 shopping cart?

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    David Farr

    Hey Paul, This error happens rarely but inside the 1shop contacts area, not on your web form on your site. If what you're experiencing is on your site, then it's a different issue. Please submit a screenshot of the error and the URL of the page with this problem to http://support.amazingsystem.com so we can take a closer look for you.

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