What type of custom fields can I create?

In addition to the standard contact fields that already come pre-set in your 1Shoppingcart account, you can also create your own custom fields. Here are the different types of custom fields you can create:

  • Text Fields
  • Text Areas
  • Dropdown boxes
  • Radio Buttons
  • Checklists

Text fields are the default field type and are the standard form fields you would type contact info into like name, email, phone number, etc.

Text areas are the larger boxes that are good for comments and longer answers then standard text fields.

Radio Buttons and dropdowns allow for only one selection. Checklists allow for multiple selections. See this sample form with every type of custom field:


  • 0
    Victoria Squire

    How do we add a checklist to the Add a Client form?

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    David Farr

    You would first create the checklist as a custom field. Then generate a new form and include that custom field. You can either regenerate the entire form or just copy the form code for the checklist field that you created and paste it into your existing form.

  • 0
    Victoria Squire

    Are you talking a website form or AS Add a Client Form? I'm trying to add it to the Add a Client Form. I added the field, but don't see a checklist. I might be missing something.

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    David Farr

    The "add client" is a web form. It's just a web form that you use, not the public visiting your site.

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    Victoria Squire

    I realize this. The web form is easier for me to enter in customer details (when they call me) than using 1ShoppingCart... unless there is a mobile version of entering for 1shoppingcart.

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